your dream 2017 BecBoop your dream 2017 BecBoop your dream 2017 BecBoop
Happy October! I honestly can’t believe we are into the last few months of 2017. I’m so excited though and not just for pumpkin spice latté season and beanie weather. In early January I wrote a blog post about reflecting on 2016 and my future plans including my goals for the year. Now that Summer is well and truly over I think October 1st is the perfect time to reassess your goals and ensure you still have your dream 2017!

I’m in a completely different place as to where I was at the beginning of this year. After two years in London I’ve finally found a really close-knit group of friends who are also my colleagues at work. This, along with some life decisions I’ve made in the year in terms of disassociating myself from negative people has led me on this journey to my current happy place! Sure, I’ve had an amazing year so far but being the workaholic go-getter I am, means I’m totally committed to having the best final quarter of the year! It’s certainly not too late to have your dream 2017 and to make the necessary changes in your life to help you get there.

your dream 2017 BecBoopyour dream 2017 BecBoop

My Goals for a Dream 2017

More travel. Always with more travel please. 2017 has already taken me to Florida, Philadelphia, Mumbai and beautiful Biarritz but I can’t get enough of travelling the world. I’ve got another business trip to the States coming up in the next few weeks so I’m super excited to take you along with me there. I’ve also got a flying visit to Paris to look forward to soon which I always love. Then of course, I want to make more time to get home to Galway! I’m so looking forward to getting back for a few weeks at Christmas time but I would really love to manage to squeeze in some weekend trips home before then too!

If you’ve already used up your annual holiday allowance for the year then why not start planning for some travel next year. Take the time over the next couple of months to build your itinerary, set your travel budget and plan to visit somewhere you’ve never been before.

I’ll be working a lot. If you read my blog post about what I do in my day job as an accountant you’ll know how passionate I am about my work. This passion just seems to grow by the day and oddly enough I look forward so much to a busy-busy week in the office! I’ve taken on some new projects at work and I’m excited about getting stuck into their year-end audits over the next couple of months. I’m really motivated by a new challenge so I’m definitely looking forward to the opportunities this will bring to my work life.

I’ll be continuing to share my life with you here on BecBoop and definitely want to continue making the time to do this. I’ve got some exciting events coming up and will continue to work on fun blog photoshoots and create content here and over on my social media channels. My main goal here over the next couple of months is to really dedicate myself more time to planning my content. So let’s see how that goes!

your dream 2017 BecBoop

Most importantly I want to continue to be happy. That is my main priority right now and will definitely make this my dream 2017. I want to have fun and live every day to the max. I want to continue to surround myself with friends and family who make me so happy in life and who couldn’t support me any more than they already do. I want to be there for them as much as they are always there for me. I’m going to seize the opportunities that come my way with strength and positivity and really enjoy the last few months of the year!

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below! Let me know how you plan to make time for your dream 2017 in the last few months of the year.


Alina Hachikyan @Hachikyan

Connect with Bec Boop everywhere!

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One response to “IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO HAVE YOUR DREAM 2017”

  1. It is noticeable the positivity oozes sweetly from you and all you do.
    Good luck with your aspirations .
    Looking forward to all your adventures.

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