Day job accountant becboop

Hi Boop Troop! Here’s a different kind of blog post, one I feel is necessary given my sometimes absences from social media and also to give you a little more insight to how I spend my time everyday.

Most of you know that I also work as an accountant and I thought today I would talk a little bit more about the other side of my everyday life, the side of BecBoop which doesn’t appear on social media but takes up the largest amount of my time and is very much an important part of who I am.

*Moment of appreciation for the Apprentice style photo that accompanies this blog post!*

If you didn’t know already then brace yourself – I am an accountant! I know it surprises people sometimes when they first hear what I work as aside from blogging. I am an accountant who very much loves her job and I give it my all every day. I’m not going to focus this blog post on my career journey to date, if that’s something you would like to read about in the future then let me know in the comments.

I am an Audit Manager at EY UK & Ireland – a global professional services firm. I manage a range of audit clients including public listed companies and private companies in a variety of industries including retail, products and services. Due to the nature of my career certain times of year are busier than others but everyday is certainly busy! I am rarely working 9-5 office hours, there is often early morning calls with International teams or late hours in the audit room with the team. When I am working on a tight deadline for a client that is my main focus and although I give blogging and social media my all – without a doubt my accounting career takes priority especially during these busy periods.

My career as an auditor is different to that of an accountant working in industry. I of course have one main place of work – the office – however I spend a vast amount of my year working on-site at audit client offices. I love this! I love working in different offices regularly, working with different teams, meeting new people. I am not the kind of person who would be happy in a 9-5 office job, not that there is anything wrong with that. Many leave the audit world for industry but for me I need the variety that audit gives me and no two weeks at my job look the same.

If you have been following my Periscope channel (Boop.LIVE) over the last couple of years you will have joined my international adventures. Something I LOVE about my day job is that it takes me around the world. Since transferring to London over two years ago I have travelled to America (NYC, Pittsburgh and Columbus), India (Bangalore), Amsterdam and Paris – all as part of my career. You all know that I love to travel and many people ask on my social media why I travel so much – well now you have it! I travel with work a lot, and it makes me so happy!

I am very happy in my professional career but I also strive to develop my blog BecBoop to be the best it can possibly be. Balancing blogging with a full time job is always going to be a challenge. After 4 years of blogging I have found a balance that works for me

I hope you enjoyed today’s post and that you know when I am silent on social media it usually means I am working away on some exciting projects with my other job and that I’ll be back very soon with more fun social media content to share with you.

I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you have any questions!


Alina Hachikyan @Hachikyan

Connect with Bec Boop everywhere!

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  1. Hope to see you again visiting the EY in my hometownsome day.

  2. I love the photo, you are always so professional.
    We all know,the long hours you have put into your job.
    I regularly see snapchat stories of you leaving for work at dawn, and there were many, when you were on the train home at 10 or 11 pm.
    You give everything you do your utmost care and attention.

  3. You have so much love for your job, its inspiring.Balancing work and blogging is a goal I strive for. I love them both equally too!

    Ama Addo / Albatroz & Co

  4. Thank you, Bec for this insight. I am so glad you love what you do, both at EY as Rebecca; and as blogger and social media maven BecBoop. You already know I am a big fan!!

  5. Mac McClure

    I am a retired accountant that worked for a public company. Our auditors were PW and I worked with many different PW people. I would be interested in your career journey such as what got you interested in Accounting, do you have your CPA (or equivalent), is your goal to become Partner and other insights for those familiar with the profession.
    I am not too much into fashion but I enjoy your scopes and your travels. I was fortunate to travel in my job, I traveled to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong on a regular basis. Good to see you like to travel because it got old after a while. I didn’t like being away from the family.
    Keep up the good work and your scopes.

  6. Jon Grubmeyer

    Thanks for the insight Boop!

  7. Dee Partyka

    E joyed reading your blog about your day Jonas an auditor… you are a very busy person with a lot of interests. You are the best

  8. CelestialAnn

    Thanks for sharing your joy of your career and your blogging adventures. You’re a hard working woman and obviously it all pays off because it’s what you love to do. We all should do the sane – work hard at what we love to do wuth our one precious life. P. S. I got my first boop box today!

  9. Joel Goldman

    I am glad that you finally came out.
    Very interesting. You are a bright young lady.

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