BecBoop blogging update

Happy Bank Holiday Monday! I’m back. I know it’s been pretty quiet here on BecBoop and on my social media platforms recently so I’m coming at you with a little blogging update. I’ll also let you know where I’ve been and with your input I’d love to bring you a more regular blogging and video schedule over the coming months.

Where have I been?

I’d love to tell you I’ve been doing something super exciting which I can’t wait to share with you. But, no. Honest answer is that I have been busy. So so busy. So busy that I, who never ever takes a break on anything – needed a break. Remember back in February when I went on that amazing family holiday to Orlando, Florida? During that time I was also flat out working on the launch of my first product – the BoopBox, my themed subscription box for my community. I got back to London. Two days later I flew to Mumbai, India. A few days later I flew to Bangalore, India on a business trip with work. After this I came back to my busiest period of the year in London.

One of my clients has a big deadline mid-May which means that April and May are my most intense months in terms of work. I was leaving home at 6.45am and returning home some nights near midnight. I also worked three straight weekends. The deadline passed and we celebrated with a team night out. I was beat. So exhausted.

It is ok to take a break…

Now, I honestly don’t want to complain. I love my job and this is why I give it my all. In the same way though I try to give my all to blogging. Sometimes I can’t fit both in. I decided to take a mini break rather than to push out lazy content which I wasn’t 100% passionate about. This has been a good thing though. I have had time to think about BecBoop and where I want to take my blog and you guys, over the next few months. I’m back, more excited than ever!

What’s next – blogging update!

I am going to be posting more regularly here on BecBoop. I know you guys love personal posts such as my 29 things I’ve learned in 29 years blog post. I definitely plan on opening up more here on the blog, but let’s take that journey slow! I am going to try and stick to a blogging schedule and upload here 3 times a week with a new YouTube video at least every 2 weeks. My blog posts will still focus around travel, lifestyle, fashion and beauty. I’ll also feature more tech content such as this selfie ring light post as I love showing you the products I use to create online content. I have also been toying with some other blog content ideas such as sharing some easy recipes for my favourite dishes and drinks here or branching out a little to talking about my professional career and journey a little more. I’d really love your input here. If you have any thoughts on this or any other suggestions for what you would like to see more of here on BecBoop please do let me know in the comments.

As mentioned I’m going to try and upload every 2 weeks over on my YouTube channel. This will still feature mostly travel and weekly vlogs but let’s see where else that side of my content plan takes us.

I’ve been planning my return to Periscope and coffee-scope also! I’m definitely going to try and bring this back more often, at least 3 mornings of the week. I love live-streaming though and I really want to give YouTube LIVE  a go. Make sure you have subscribed to my YouTube channel because I’m going to be planning a weekly YouTube LIVE and you won’t want to miss it! You will also still be able to keep up with my daily stories on Snapchat Bec_Boop and Instagram Stories @Bec_Boop.


If you missed the news, the BoopBox is my themed lifestyle subscription box for my community and Periscope viewers. Our first BoopBox had a ‘coffee-scope essentials’ theme and it went down a hit with the BoopTroop travel mug making lots of appearances across Snapchat and Twitter! I worked on this project for months before launch and I am so excited that you love the BoopBox as much as I do!

Just this week Box number 2 reached subscribers. I will be doing a LIVE un-boxing of the Indian Summer themed BoopBox over on Periscope very soon! Don’t forget to sign up here, subscriptions are currently monthly and can be cancelled at any time so you can sign up and give it a go. We ship the BoopBox globally with no delivery charges. I’m really excited to share exclusive BoopTroop branded products along with some of my other favourite products based on each BoopBox theme. We’ve also got a private group where I share live-streaming tips and challenges, where you can win prizes and engage with myself and other subscribers to build your social media channels. It’s a lot of fun! Trust me.

Blogging update plan BecBoop

So there it is, a little update on where I have been and what you can expect on this blog in the near future. I hope you are as excited as I am! I would love to hear from you in the comments below. 


Alina Hachikyan @Hachikyan

Connect with Bec Boop everywhere!

Periscope // Instagram // Facebook // Twitter // Snapchat




  1. Great posting Boop. If this were myself trying to make anything organised, at best i would just be doing random scopes. Ha! You are a very organised and sensible person. Thanks for the update.

    1. Thanks so much Jon 🙂 I want to see your random scopes!

  2. Welcome back, Bec. I love reading about your journey. I would like to have you talk about the “mechanics” of blogging, based on your experience, since I am also a blogger. Tips such as how you built your audience, became an influencer, etc. Please continue to report on “behind the scenes” on the events you attend.

    1. Thanks Alan, really appreciate your support! I’ll add that to the blog post list, sounds good.

  3. It sounds like work has been SO intense for you recently – I’m not surprised you had to take a step back from blogging! Although, I have to say that I am really excited to see what you’ve got planned now that you’re back

    Steph –

    1. Thanks Stephanie 🙂

  4. You are adorable and quite the hustler. I’m super impressed with your creativity and entrepreneurship. Keep up the great work. Periscope will be a thing of the past soon enough but it’s great that you’ve been able to grow your audience from it….it’s too bad that Periscope doesn’t know which way is up.

    1. Thanks so much Vicki! Lovely to hear from you! (and lol)

  5. Thanks for the update
    I love when you scope from Ireland
    The foody content sounds good.
    I LOVE my Boop box especially the Boop troop mug.
    I would love to see a travel mug with each theme
    And I’d make the logo bigger.
    My fave part of my mug is the logo . I like when people ask about it.
    Welcome back

    1. Thanks MammyDisney!

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