Over a year ago I finally took steps to correct my smile with David McConville Orthodontics in Sligo, Ireland.
If you were a BecBoop reader back then you may remember my Starting Invisalign blog post. I completed the treatment. I finished the treatment but my smile still was not perfect. This was because I fell a bit behind on my treatment due to all of the travelling I was doing at the time. On my last visit to David McConville’s he recommended I start the Invisalign Lite treatment. This is often used as a follow-on to Invisalign. Being honest it has taken me a little longer than hoped to get back to Ireland as I actually had a lot of work travel in recent months. When I was back for the Galway Races a few weeks ago however I managed to get to David McConville’s Sligo practice and he was able to sort me out in two appointments that week. I love how flexible the treatment is with David McConville’s, it fits right into my busy schedule. Following this I am ready for my Invisalign treatment phase 2.
I am excited to start the next stage of my invisalign treatment now and David has explained everything that is involved. Since my teeth were well on their way to straight perfection I didn’t need another full Invisalign treatment. Instead he recommended a follow-on treatment of Invisalign Lite to resolve the remaining issues of over-crowding. Although my teeth improved drastically during the time period when I used Invisalign, with many people commenting on them, to me they are still far from perfect.
Invisalign Lite – What is involved?
With Invisalign Lite you wear a series of up to a maximum of 14 sets of aligners for two weeks at a time. My treatment includes the maximum number so I will be wearing aligners for a 28 week period. The main difference between Invisalign Lite and traditional Invisalign is that with the traditional treatment you can get an unlimited number of aligners depending on your specific needs. Therefore the process can be a lot longer than with Invisalign Lite. In my case Invisalign Lite is doing some tidy-up work after my traditional Invisalign treatment.
Similarly to traditional Invisalign, with Invisalign Lite you wear your aligners for up to 22 hours per day. They should be removed to clean your teeth and to eat; remaining in place throughout the remainder of the day. Invisalign Lite look the exact same as traditional Invisalign. Clear retainers that slip over your teeth and moves them gently into place over the time period. Again I had some connectors attached to my teeth which are barely noticeable. These connectors allow the Invisalign to stay in place.
David showed me how to insert and remove the aligners correctly again. I actually did a demonstration of this over on my Snapchat story, did you see it? If not, make sure you are following Bec_Boop on Snapchat. I’ll be back to him soon for a check-up to ensure everything is going to plan.
Invisalign Lite – Week 1
I write this blog post after one week of wearing Invisalign Lite aligners so I could accurately describe how my Invisalign Lite treatment was going. Now, I recall from my first Invisalign treatment that week 1 is the challenge. After that it is a breeze. So again, it took a little getting used to in Week 1. I was desperately conscious that I was wearing Invisalign while doing my Periscope broadcasts. However there was certainly no need to be, my viewers confirmed they were completely invisible – haha.
The aligners felt a little tight in the first few days but I put this down to my teeth needing to get reaccustomed to the treatment again after the break. Now things are in full swing and I have been very good wearing my aligners as much as possible apart from eating an brushing my teeth. In the first few days I found my teeth were very sensitive when eating after removing the aligner. Now I remove the aligner and give my teeth about ten minutes before biting into some food. I have found that helps a lot.
I am going to be talking about my Invisalign Lite treatment over on my Periscope channel @BoopFashionista and on Snapchat Bec_Boop. Make sure to follow in both places for regular updates.
I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Have you got any questions about Invisalign that I could help with?
BecBoop has been shortlisted in the #BloggersBlogAwards in the category of Best Use of Social Media for my Periscope channel. If you enjoy my content please vote for me here. BecBoop is also nominated in the first ever Snapchat Ghosties awards in the category of Best Newcomer – please vote here.
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