Tuesday’s Outfits
For Day 2 of the Galway Racing Festival 2015, Stephanie and I decided to do it in blue. While Stephanie opted for a pastel blue Ted Baker dress, I chose a royal blue dress which I had picked up while I was in Bangalore, India recently. We wore beautiful Mark Garvie Millinery headpieces again and both went with ankle strap sandals.
We couldn’t believe our eyes Wednesday morning when we opened up the Irish Daily Star newspaper and found a full-page size feature of our outfits from the day! We also made an appearance in the Irish Daily Mirror and again on the RTE2 racing coverage (thanks to those beady eyed viewers that sent us snapchats!).
Mam came along with us on Tuesday and she also wore a beautiful custom-made hat by Mark Garvie Millinery. Casserly ladies in blue 🙂
Wednesday’s Outfits
For Day 3 of the Galway Races we both opted for big hats and bold prints! Again wearing two amazing hats by Dublin Milliner Mark Garvie Millinery which formed the starting point for our outfits. Our looks from Day 3 featured in the Tuam Herald (Picture 1 below).
I also have to mention that this is probably the first year at the Galway Races that I was able to properly smile 🙂 My Invisalign Invisible Braces treatment is going so well and I wore the braces for the full week and I think you will agree, they were not noticeable in any of the press photos that appeared! I’ll be heading back to David McConville Orthodontics soon, next time I’m back in Ireland.
Watch LIVE Coverage from the Galway Races on @BoopFashionista Periscope
If you’re not following me yet on Periscope you can watch my broadcasts from the week on Katch.me/boopfashionista
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