You are Invited! An Púcán 1st Birthday

My favourite venue in Galway – ‘An Púcán’ are celebrating their first birthday next month and I am thrilled to share the exclusive details here with you in today’s blog post. An Púcán absolutely changed the nightlife vibes in Galway when they reappeared on the scene last Summer and became a firm favourite for foodies during the day and party-goers alike. 
An Púcán birthday galwayAn Púcán birthday galway BLOG

An Púcán 1 Year On

What a year of success it has been for An Púcán! One year on and the venue has taken over the Galway social media scene with almost 30,000 Facebook page likes, 7,000 twitter followers and the Online Marketing in Galway award for People’s Choice as a result of their online marketing. There have been some pretty awesome events held at the venue in the last year too including Kodaline, The Coronas, London Grammar, Dan Croll and much more. In 1 year An Púcán has become the home of rugby & soccer in Galway with their amazing big screens. Not to mention the An Púcán whiskey launch with Teelings which has proved very popular. If you haven’t yet had a chance to pop into An Púcán during your visits to Galway city, I’d highly recommend it. I mean, it it’s good enough for the likes of The Coronas, Hardy Bucks, Connacht Rugby, Walking on Cars and Leinster Rugby to party in! 
The An Púcán menu is also a talking point as they go above and beyond your ‘pub grub’ expectations. 
To top this off they have planned a super exciting first birthday celebration for you all to enjoy with a surprise guest!
Online Marketing in Galway awards

Party Details

The party will take place from 8pm on Friday 10th July at An Púcán (right beside Eyre Square in Galway – in case you’re not familiar with the location). Surprise GuestOrla Gartland will take to the stage at 9.30pm so make sure you arrive early to catch the show! Check out her video for the popular Lonely People song below for a taste of what to expect. Tickets are free and can be reserved here and the night will include complementary gourmet food, late night with DJ after the performance and lots of craic!

Bec Boop is thrilled to have received an invite to this event and of course I’ll be making the trip back from London for it! So I really hope to see some of you there 🙂 and I will be broadcasting the party live from Periscope as the official party-persicoper so make sure you are following me @BoopFashionista 

Boop’s Fun in An Púcán

I’ve had some of the best night’s out in Galway in An Púcán in the last year and enjoyed some fun events there too. I organised the An Púcán bloggers event where we were given an introduction to the new venue and a presentation from head chef Tom Joyce. We were also treated to some of the best dishes on the much-loved menu. Shortly after that I worked on an exciting video with An Púcán when they hosted the surprise Kodaline secret gig as part of the Guiness Amplify festival in Galway. When I made the decision to move to London in February of this year there was only one place I wanted to have my going-away party in and that was An Púcán of course. It was only a small get together for close friends and family and we were completely spoiled by the wonderful team at An Púcán.

Bec Boop blogger An Pucan Galway
Bec Boop blogger An Pucan Galway
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3 responses to “You are Invited! An Púcán 1st Birthday”

  1. Paraic Collins

    Hey. Nice blog, but I think An Pucan won People's Choice not best Social Media! Although they probably should have.

  2. Bec Boop

    You're dead right! edited now 😉 and thanks for reading.

  3. Paraic Collins

    You're welcome!

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