Another month has nearly come to an end, can you believe how quickly 2015 is going? I’ve started posting monthly favourite videos in which I’ll share my favourite things from the month gone by including fashion, beauty, skincare, other (random) and my favourite London experience. Watch the full video below and let me know in the comments what were your April favourites.
Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Body Scrub
American Eagle Outfitters Denim Jacket (yet to feature in an outfit post even though it’s been stuck to me since I bought it!)
Beats by Dre Pink Solo Beats
Mobile App – Periscope (Follow me by searching Bec Boop or BoopFashionista, I am broadcasting my life right now….or so it feels! Seriously awesome app.)
London Experience
Going to the Kensington Rooftop Nightclub was definitely the coolest London experience this month. I was literally in awe of this nightclub! It’s supposed to be a pretty amazing venue during the day too, have any of you been? If you follow me on Snapchat (Bec_Boop) you’ll have seen what a great night we had there ๐
What were your favourites this month?

Connect with Bec Boop
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