#DearMe | A Message to my Younger Self

Sunday 8th March is International Women’s Day and in support of this YouTube encouraged creators to share their #DearMe video – a video message to their younger selves giving advice and tips based on experience in later life. Of course I jumped on the bandwagon as I think it’s a fantastic initiative and if my #DearMe video inspires and helps even one person who’s going through a rough time at school then this makes it super worthwhile. Please watch the video below and “Click to View Post” under the image to continue reading about the advice I would give a younger Bec Boop…
Bec Boop sharing her tips about growing up

When I researched the initiative I felt so inspired to create my video and share my story. You can create your own #DearMe GIF in association with YouTube: In celebration of International Women’s Day, take part in YouTube’s global #DearMe initiative to inspire and empower young girls everywhere. We all know that growing up is tough. But if you could go back in time, what wisdom would you share with your teenage self? It all starts with two words. Dear Me.”

Dear Me…

1. Love your appearance and embrace being a ginger!
2. Stop trying to ‘fit in’ and ‘be cool’ and just do the things you love (don’t give up gymnastics!).
3. Realise that your siblings are your best friends.

I’ve really enjoyed watching lots of other Dear Me videos and I think this is a fantastic initiative. Share your video with me in the comments below so I can check it out or alternatively let me know what advice you would give your younger self.

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