Best Blog Finalist | Galway Online Marketing Awards 2015

What a great start to the week! I’ve just found out that Bec Boop has been selected as one of five finalists in the Online Marketing in Galway awards 2015 for the ‘Best Blog‘ category!
Bec Boop finalist in the Online Marketing in Galway awards 2015 best blog
Last year I was thrilled to be a finalist in the inaugural OMiG awards and I can’t believe that here we are, exactly one year later and Bec Boop has made it as a finalist again! This year the competition was even more intense with hundreds of applicants so I’m thrilled to have made it to the final 5 in the Best Blog category. It means so much to me to be recognised in the online media world in Galway as I’ve always strived to support local Galway businesses, designers and milliners aswell as hosting the first ever Galway Bloggers Party event of it’s kind back in 2013 when there was very little support networks available for Galway bloggers. I’ve also organised lots of charity fashion events here in Galway over the years and worked with many local businesses to support each other. I’ve really enjoyed networking at the OMiG monthly events during the year too and met some great contacts aswell as going away with fantastic online media advice after every event. 
I’m really excited and nervous for the awards ceremony, last years event was so brilliant. Time to get outfit planning 🙂 
Thanks for all the well wishes and for the continued support! Comment down below if I’ll see you at the Awards night on 8th April.

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