ITWBN August Meet-up | Event

Yesterday I attended the second #ITWBN meet-up event in the Gaslight Bar & Brasserie in the Hotel Meyrick, Galway. ‘Click to View Post’  below to read more about the event.
Bec Boop ITWBN Meet up

Blogger Event Galway
Hotel Meyrick Galway
Blogger Meet up Galway
ITWBN Meet Up Goodie Bag
W7 Angel Eyes make up
You might remember reading about the first of these events which I attended last April. Well, Sinead Carroll of Yummy Mummy blog went ahead and organised a follow up event to this for the ITWBN (Into the West Bloggers Network). I had to change my outfit at the last minute due to the very changeable weather conditions and didn’t end up taking as much photos as I had intended as I was too busy having fun 🙂
We arrived to a lovely cocktail reception in the Gaslight Bar and Brasserie. This is one of the coolest new venues in Galway, I recently had the opportunity to style for an editorial shoot in this location so I was really looking forward to returning here. We were then assigned workstations to discuss various blog-related topics. This was a lot of fun and I think we all definitely shared useful tips with each other. It was a great opportunity to meet more bloggers from this side of the island too and also the bloggers who had travelled for the event.
INailz were on hand doing demos for us bloggers but I didn’t have time to test it out myself. I have to say some of the other bloggers got really unique designs on their nails and I was quite impressed. There was also a competition for most stylish blogger which was won by the very deserving Ana Aguila. The food at the event was amazing as you can see from the images above. Bec Boop loves nothing more than pink macarons. This was followed by a raffle after which I had to swiftly make my exit. I was delighted to be able to attend the event, and a big thanks to Sinead for all the organising she did. We all received a goodie bag sponsored by McSharrys Pharmacy. I really love the eye-shadow set and can’t wait to try this out. 
To read the other blog posts about this event and check out more of the photos follow #ITWBN on twitter/instagram.

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One response to “ITWBN August Meet-up | Event”

  1. mmmm I'm craving little cakes. Love your posts covering events!

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