Bec Boop’s Summer Health Kicks

Sometimes in the good weather it can be all too easy to slack when it comes to our health. The office BBQ, evening beers and cocktails along with endless 99 cones all contribute to an overall unhealthy lifestyle. I’ve put together a short list of my favourite, easy ways to stay healthy this Summer and find that balance in your lifestyle. 
Bec Boop's Summer Health Kicks

Coconut Water

I only discovered coconut water at the start of this Summer. The celeb fave has become readily available in grocery stores at this stage but my favourite has to be the fresh coconut water available from Jungle Beach Break in Galway. Coconut water is the clear liquid found in the centre of young green coconuts. It contains little sugar and is known to be one of the best ways to rehydrate. It tastes yummy too!

Nike + App

Nike+ mobile app has become my bestie this Summer. By setting up a profile the app tracks your running routine and allows you to compete against your friends and set challenges. My favourite part is of course the social media interaction. The app posts to your facebook profile when you are out on a run and when your friends click like on the post you hear a motivational cheer through your earphones. It never fails to make me smile 🙂

Revive Active

I recently received a month’s supply of Revive Active health supplement to review. To be honest I’ve never been one for energy drinks and am quite a fan of my regular caffeine fix so this was going to be a little challenge for me. Revive Active is a daily nutrition drink containing 26 natural ingredients which aim to help you feel more energised, alert and alive. As someone who commutes long distance to work and spend most of my spare time working on projects for my blog or other media events I was willing to give anything a go that claimed to be healthy and boost my energy levels. I tried this daily for the month of June and definitely noticed a clear improvement. I’ll admit I never ditched the coffee so I can only imagine I would have had an even more enhanced experience if I had. I would recommend Revive Active to anyone with a busy lifestyle as it is so easy (just mix with water) and a quick health kick. Revive Active are also on facebook.

Train for a Run

I have decided I am going to train for the Great Pink Run 2014. This is a 10km race annual race which takes place in Dublin in aid of breast cancer research. I went along last year to support my brother and friends as they took part. Setting a goal is key to remaining healthy during Summer. As the Great Pink Run takes place at the very end of Summer (30th August) this will keep me motivated and encourage regular training. I am currently only managing 2.5km going by my Nike+ updates I know I have a lot to work to but am looking forward to the challenge.
Have you tried out any of these Health Kicks? 
What are your favourite ways to stay healthy during Summer?

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