April Events Round-Up

April has definitely been one of my busiest months to date since I started blogging when it comes to events. I’ve put together a little round-up of the different events I attended last month along with links to each of the posts where you can read all the detail.

1. GTI Fashion Fiesta

I had a reserved seat at this fashion show which showcased the designs of the GTI students. This is always one of my favourite fashion shows to attend and it makes me proud to see the fashion talent coming out of Galway from these young designers. My selfie t-shirt proved very popular that night. This was one of my favourite looks from the month gone by. 

2. ITWBN Meet-Up

This was a day-time meet up event for members of the ‘Into the West Bloggers Network’. We met for afternoon tea in the G Hotel, Galway. It was a great opportunity to meet and network with bloggers from this side of the country and also to see some famliar faces. We received the most amazing goodie bags courtesy of Cara Pharmacy!

3. Supporting my sister at the ‘Miss Galway’ contest

My sister Stephanie is a model based in Galway and she took part in the 2014 ‘Miss Galway’ contest. Although she didn’t win the crown she did herself and all of us incredibly proud. I am so blessed to have such a talented sister. Stephanie is not your typical model, opting for natural make-up look in lieu of fake tan and passing on the hair extensions as her own hair is stunning! She is also incredibly hard-working as a nurse and an Officer and Instructor with her local Civil Defence. Well done Steph!

4. Fashion Innovation Awards

This is an event I had been really looking forward to. I love to see the collections taking part in the fashion show and the models are always amazing to watch. I wore a vintage jumpsuit from Public Romance and received loads of compliments on my make-up which was done by Patrycja in Matt O’Flahertys chemist, Galway.

5. OMiG Awards

This was one of the events I was most nervous for!! I had been selected as a finalist in three categories of the first Online Marketing in Galway awards for – Best blog, Marketing Leadership and the People’s Choice. I wore the prettiest pink dress from Chi Chi clothing and really felt like a Princess attending the awards ceremony. Although I didn’t win I was so honoured to be credited this way by the judges alongside some of the most succesful companies in Galway

6. Greenes Shoes Spring Fashion Event

This was a fashion event I organised in the Eyre Square Shopping Centre where we held a photoshoot, fashion walkaround, free raffle and promotion for both Greenes Shoes and Swamp Clothing. I really enjoyed organising and hosting the event. I am looking forward to getting involved in more events like this and if it is something you would like to discuss further just drop me an email at becboopfashionistaworld@gmail.com
Did you make it along to any of these events?

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