Ankle Boots & a Pink Boat | Outfit

Well it looks like Summer has come a little early in Galway this year! I totally embraced it yesterday and taking inspiration from a recent Taylor Swift outfit I donned my dotty tights and shirt dress for a casual shopping look.
Taylor Swift dotty tights outfit

Pink boat Galway
Bec Boop outfit post Galway
dotty tight ankle boots
Sunny day Galway
Ankle Boots Just for 5 pounds
Bec Boop OOTD Galway
Boots c/o Just for 5 Pounds //Shirt Dress & belt Primark (old) // Necklace Bershka

Last week I went for a spin around Galway and nearly leapt out of my seat with excitement when I spotted the pink boat above! You might have seen the picture I shared on my instagram account (@Bec_boop). This is just one of the cutest things I have seen in so long and I thought it would make the perfect outfit post backdrop. Of course we never considered the times of high and low tide and sure enough when I returned yesterday with Stephanie to take these pics the boat was below ground level 🙁 Oh well!
I received these ankle boots from Just for 5 Pounds, an online store where everything is actually just £5! Now I know what you are thinking, the quality cannot be so good if they are able to sell fashion at such a bargain but believe me I was surprised. The boots have a lovely lining on the inside and were so so so comfortable to wear! Having been out partying Saturday night they were just the comfy treat my poor feet needed yesterday! To be honest they appear to be better quality than boots I’ve bought before from other low-price popular stores. I’ve been having a browse through their online store and spotted some cool dupes which I am definitely considering treating myself to. At just £5 there’s no guilt involved at all! So if you’re looking for affordable fashion I would recommend checking these guys out. They are also on twitter @Justfor5pounds and instagram too.
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below! Have you ever seen anything as cute as this pink boat? 
Have you heard of Just for 5 Pounds before?
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4 responses to “Ankle Boots & a Pink Boat | Outfit”

  1. Claire-

    love the tights!

  2. Bec Boop

    Thank you Claire 🙂 x

  3. Bec Boop

    Thank you 🙂

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